10 Lines on International Day of Yoga 2022 #Yoga day 10 lines

International Day of Yoga is celebrated across the world on 21st June every year after United Nations General Assembly declared 21st June as International Yoga Day. As Yoga Day is coming near students are told to write 10 lines on International Yoga Day 2021 or write short essay on International Yoga Day. 

Here we have written 2 sets of 10 lines on International Day of Yoga 2021 and short essay on yoga or essay on benefits of yoga.

10 Lines on International Yoga Day

1. International Day of Yoga is celebrated world wide on 21st June every year.

2. First International Day of Yoga was celebrated on 21st June 2015.

3. United Nations General Assembly declared 21st June as International Day of Yoga in December, 2014.

4. Yoga is an ancient Indian practice which develops harmony between mind and body.

5. There are numerous benefits of yoga. It relive stress, builds strength and develop harmony between mind and body.

6. We should practice yoga every day to improve our immunity.

7. During this time of pandemic yoga is ray of hope. It helps us by making us physically and mentally strong.

8. There many types of yoga aasans like; Kapalbhati, Anulom-Vilom, Surya Namaskar.

9. Maharshi Patanjali is father of modern yoga.

10. Patanjali's Yoga Sutra is a collection of 196 Sanskrit Sutras on the theory and practice of yoga.

Few Lines International Day of Yoga 2022

1. International Day of Yoga 2022 will be celebrated across the world on 21st June 2022.

2. The theme of International Day of Yoga 2022 is Yoga for Humanity.

3. While whole world are fighting against pandemic this year yoga day will be celebrated at home with family members.

4. Parents with their children celebrate yoga day at their home.

5. We can learn and perform yoga aasans by watching yoga program on our Television.

6. This is time to perform yoga aasans not only on International Day of Yoga but every day to improve our immunity.

7.  International Day of Yoga is also celebrated to aware the people about the numerous benefits of yoga.

8. On this day we should also inform the people about the benefits of yoga and we should encourage them to practice yoga regularly.

10 Lines on International Day of Yoga 2021, Benefits of yoga 10 lines

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