10 Lines on Myself, About Myself for Students

About Myself or 10 Lines on Myself

Telling about yourself to someone when it is asked, is very necessary for everyone and thus for students also. Here, we have written 10 lines on myself for formal introduction at the school or any other occasion when it is required. These 10 lines on myself is basically written for primary class students.

10 Lines on Myself:

About Myself

Complete the blanks with your details.

  1. My Name is _________________.
  2. I am _____Years old.
  3. The name of my father is Mr. __________.
  4. The Name of my Mother is Mrs. _________.
  5. My Birthday is on ___________.
  6. I study in class ________.
  7. I complete my homework daily.
  8. The name of my school is ______________.
  9. The name of my city is ____________.
  10. The name of my country is _________.

These 10 lines on myself is basic lines which are included while giving presentation by a student of up to primary class. About myself is also important because if a child goes for admission in a new school then the teacher asks first thing about the child that is 'tell me about yourself'.

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So simply fill your details like your name, age, father name, mother name, date of birth, class in which you are studying, name of your school, city where you live in, name of your country to complete the about myself 10 lines. These all details are very important for describing about myself.

10 lines on myself, about myself, quotes about myself, tell me about yourself essay

Tags: 10 lines on myself, about myself, quotes about myself, tell me about yourself essay

About myself is very important topic for the students as it describe basic details about the student. To fill the above image for about myself, simply fill the details of yourself and complete the sentence.

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