Place Value and Face Value, Meaning and Worksheet for Students

Place Value and Face Value, Meaning and Worksheet for Students

We will learn here meaning of Place Value and Face Value and its definition, international place value system with example and question related to place value and face value.

Place Value Meaning, Definition and Worksheet, place value in maths, international place value system, ones tens hundreds

Place Value

Place value of a digit in a number is represented by its position in a number. Position of any number may be ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands and so on and the place value of the number is defined on the basis of these position. 

For example; Place value of 4 in number 458 is 4 x 100 = 400 (Because 4 is at hundreds place) and place value of 5 in 458 is 5 x 10 = 50 because 5 is at tens place.

Place Valuechart

Below is Place Value Chart Which is very helpful in understaing place value system

Place Value Chart, Place Valuechart, Place Value and Face Value

Place Value of 0 (Zero)

Place Value of 0 is always remains 0. Let see this with example; place value of 0 in 507 is 0 x 10 = 0. Here 0 is at tens place but the product of any number with 0 always comes 0 thus the place value of 0 always remains 0.

Place Value Examples 1:

In 8467

Place Value of 7 : 7 x 1 = 7 (Because 7 is at ones place)

Place Value of 6 : 6 x 10 = 60 (Because 6 is at tens place)

Place Value of 4 : 4 x 100 = 400 (Because 4 is at hundreds place)

Place Value of 8 : 8 x 1000 = 8000 (Because 8 is at thousands place)

Place Value Examples 2:

Question: Find the place value of 8 in 6874.

Answer: Place Value of 8 : 8 x 100 = 800

Question: What is the place value of 0 in 8076

Answer: Place value of 0 = 0 x 100 = 0 (0 is at hundred place but product always comes 0 thus place value of 0 always remains 0)

Place Value Exercise

Q. 1: What is place value of 7 in 874 ?

Q. 2: Find the place value of 9 in 985 .

Q. 3: Place Value of 4 in 8694 ?

Q. 4: What is place value of 5 in 598 ?

Q. 5: Find the place value of 3 in 4532.

Face Value

Face Value is acutual value of the digit in the number.  For example; Face Value of 4 in 3546 is 4, and face value of 4 in 3456 is also 4. 

Face Value Examples:

In 4689

Face Value of 4 is 4.

Face Value of 6 is 6.

Face Value of 8 is 8.

Face Value of 9 is 9.

Place Value and Face Value Examples

In 56893

Place Value of 5 is = 50000 and Face Value is = 5

Place Value of 6 is = 6000 and Face Value is = 6

Place Value of 8 is = 800 and Face Value is = 8

Place Value of 9 is = 90 and Face Value is = 9

Place Value of 3 is = 3 and Face Value is = 3

Tags: Place Value, place value in maths, international place value system, ones tens hundreds

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