10 Lines on Importance of Trees for Students and Children

 10 Lines on Importance of Trees: Trees provide us oxygen and food which are essential for life without which we can't live. Here we are writing 10 lines essay on importance of trees for students and children. These 10 lines on trees are very important for a student's school assignments. Let's write 10 lines on importance of trees and plants.

10 Lines on Importance of Trees

➤ Trees provide us oxygen which is required for breathing without which we can't live.

➤ Trees provide food for most of the living creatures on the earth.

➤ Many trees are shelters for birds and other animals.

➤ Many medicines are derived from trees and these ayurvedic medicine cured diseases fully.

➤ We get wood from trees which are required for making furniture and sports equipment etc.

➤ Trees reduce the level of carbon dioxide in the environment by converting carbon dioxide into oxygen.

➤ Leaves of trees absorb radiant energy coming from the sun and keeps the environment cool.

➤ Roots of trees hold soil and fight against soil erosion.

➤ Roots of trees absorb and store rainwater and prevent floods.

➤ Trees like Peepal, Neem, Oak, etc have ritual values and worshiped since ancient times.

10 Lines on Importance of Trees for Students and Children

Few Lines on Importance of Trees

➤ Trees provide us with Food and Oxygen which are essential for life on earth.

➤ Trees around us, in parks, streets, playgrounds, create a peaceful and aesthetically pleasing environment.

➤ Trees help in controlling environmental pollution by converting carbon dioxide into oxygen.

➤ Trees also improve air quality, ameliorate climate, conserve water, preserve soil, and helps in making our life better.

➤ We get ayurvedic medicines from trees and plants which have permanent remedies for diseases.

➤ Many businesses are based on products that are made from trees thus it contributes to our economy.

Hope you liked these sets of 10 lines on importance of trees. These two sets of 10 lines on importance of trees and few lines on importance of trees will help students to complete their assignments as well as schoolwork.

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