Math Worksheet for Class 3 | Multiplication Worksheets

Math worksheets for class 3 students is provided regularly here. In continuation of the series here is Multiplication worksheet for class 3 students. Homework Self Study Mantra has already posted 13 exercise for class three students. That can be access here: Grade 3 Maths worksheets.

Multiplication worksheets for Class 3 Students.

Find the product of the following.

1) 987 x 45 = ?

2) 102 x 20 = ?

3) 698 x 28 = ?

4)  698 x 38 = ?

5)  748 x 98 = ? 

6)  198 x 67 = ?

7)  357 x 64 = ?

8)  957 x 35 = ?

9)  615 x 61 = ?

10) 389 x 59 = ?

In addition to this multiplication exercise below are other math exercise for class 3 students that are very important for their preparation.

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