Animals and their Homes, Homes of Animals

Animals and their Homes or Homes of Animals

Every animal on the earth need home to live in so that they can protect themselves from heat, cold, rain, attack of enemies. Thus homes of animals protect them also from heat, cold, rain, attack of enemies. One of the basic need of any animal is shelter which is also called home. Here today we will lean about homes of animals. Below are names of animals and their homes.

Animals and their Homes.

Animals and their Homes, Homes of Animals

Homes of Animals.

Animals and their homes.

11 Monkey Tree
12 Pig Sty
13 Rabbit Burrow
14 Donkey Stable
15 Duck Water
16 Bee Beehive
17 Spider Web
18 Goat Pen
19 Snake Burrow
20 Goose Water

Animals and their homes is in EVS syllabus of students of Primary and Upper Primary Class. Homes of animals is also being asked in various competitive exams. Thus learn the above name of animals and their homes.

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