Answer: Maths Homework for Class 2 for April 11: Worksheet on Greater than, Lower than and equal to

Answer: Maths Homework for Class 2 for April 11: Worksheet on Greater than, Lower than and equal to

Here is answer for maths worksheet for class 2 students for April 11.

Let's do it.

Answer for Class 2 maths worksheet.

A) Compare the numbers by using : >, <, or =.

maths worksheet for class 2, homework help, homework, maths homework for class 2, Self Study Mantra, Compare numbers

Maths worksheet for Class 2.

B) Addition for Class 2 Students.

1)  458 + 25 = 483

2)  658 + 35 = 693

3 ) 365 + 36 = 401

4 )  695 + 52 = 747

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Maths Homework for Class 2 (April 10) : CLICK HERE

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