Answer: Maths Homework for Class 2 for April 5 : Addition sums and Counting writing for class 2

Answer: Maths Homework for Class 2 for April 5 : Addition sums and Counting writing for class 2

Stay at Home, Stay Safe. Self Study Mantra provides Daily Homework for the Student for Class 1 to 5. Here is Maths Homework for Class 2 Students for 5th April.

Let's do it.

Answer: Maths Homework for Class 2:

A) Write Counting from One to Twenty in figures (Revision Work).

1 - One

2 - Two

3 - Three

4 - Four

5 - Five

6 - Six

7 - Seven

8 - Eight

9 - Nine

10 - Ten

11 - Eleven

12 - Twelve

13 - Thirteen

14 - Fourteen

15 - Fifteen

16 - Sixteen

17 - Seventeen

18 - Eighteen

19 - Nineteen

20 - Twenty.

B) Addition for Class 2 Students

1) 456 + 124 = 580

2) 658 + 845 = 1503

3) 624 + 325 = 949

4) 754 + 315 = 1069

5) 964 + 124 = 1088

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Maths Homework for Class 2 (April 4)

Stay connected with Self Study Mantra for daily homework. We provide daily homework the the students of Class 1 to 5. Join Homework Self Study Mantra.

Search Terms: Maths Homework for Class 2, Homework for Class 2, Self Study Mantra, School Homework, Homework Help, Counting from one to Twenty.

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